Grab a partner and hit this home workout brought to you from sunny Phuket, Thailand with myself, Coach Woody and BJJ Coach/MMA Fighter Alex Schild.
How it works:
Set up a clock, one person then performs 30 seconds of a cardio exercise (static bike, Skipping, Shadow Boxing etc) whilst the other person performs as many reps as they can of an exercise.
After the 30 seconds you swap and the person doing the cardio now performs the exercise and the other performs the cardio. You do this until you complete the total number of reps and then you can move onto the next exercise.
You have a total of 8 exercises to get through with 100 reps on each one.
Exercises for Metabolic Conditioning
1 - 100 x Bodyweight Squats
2 - 100 x Push Ups
3 - 100 x Butterfly Sits
4 - 100 x Surfer pop ups
5 - 100 x Running Plank (single count)
6 - 100 x Alternating Lunges (single count)
7 - 100 x V-ups
8 - 100 x Plank Down-ups (single count)
Have fun!
In my video below, you will see how to perform these workouts in the correct technique and posture.