High quality custom fight wear & apparel

E-customs offer a simple 4-step process for premium performance, high quality custom fight wear & apparel with your branding and identity.

Utilising world-class manufacturers combined with our industry leading Engage design team, we work closely with you to create a completely unique product that not only look the part, but are crafted using premium materials and construction. We will manufacture custom full dye sublimation, private labelling, screen printing, embroidery, premium graphics, material colouring and colour-matching, model fit, everything down to last stitch!

Our R&D team can assist you through research and developing a completely new identity or simply help you customize utilizing your current company branding. Fully customized products are great for gyms, academy’s, combat sports brands, trainers, competitors, teams, and more!

Simply fill out the application below and a member of the Engage team will be in touch.