The possibilities for exercises to use at home are endless but it is important to find exercises that support your goals.
Here are some guidelines on the most important basic movements that you don’t want to miss out on. These exercises are staples regardless of whether you are training for muscle growth or just fitness itself. When working out at home we will focus on bodyweight exercises.
- A squat movement; Split squat or Bulgarian split squat
- A hip hinge movement; Unilateral Romanian deadlift or (Unilateral) glute bridges
- A horizontal press movement; Any pushup variant will do, regular pushups, hands elevated push-ups, feet elevated pushups, etc.
- A horizontal pull movement; Inverted rows
By creating a staple training program for yourself you will have a good starting point. All of these exercises will also work your abdominal muscles. If you want to do additional work you can add in the following:
- A vertical press movement: Pike pushups, or eventually handstand pushups. Gradually progress the exercise from pike pushups, to knee’s elevated on a bench pushups and slowly further progress it step by step until you can do handstand pushups.
- A vertical pull movement: Chinups. If these are too hard; ‘cheat’ and throw yourself up on the concentric part of the repetition (going up phase) and control the eccentric phase (lowering phase) until you build enough strength to go upwards yourself.
- You can also add in really good core exercises like: deadbugs, RKC planks, bird dogs, farmers walks (use heavy weights for this).
Workout plan 1:
Upper / lower body split:
Day 1: Upper
1a. Pushups – 3 working sets – 8/10 reps

1b. Chinups – 3 working sets – 3/10 reps

2a. Pike pushups – 3 working sets – 8/10 reps

2b. Inverted rows – 3 working sets – 8/10 reps

3a. Deadbugs – 3 working sets – 3/5 reps L+R

3b. One-arm high carry farmers walk – 3 working sets – 20/30meter L+R