The teep is one of the most effective techniques in Muay Thai, which can also be applied to MMA. It is also known as a front kick or a push kick by non-Muay Thai practitioners and is an essential technique that all good Nak Muays (Thai Boxers) utilize to gain maximum advantage. The teep is the Muay Thai equivalent of the jab in boxing. Like a jab, the teep is capable of doing damage, and more importantly, the teep controls distance.
Engage Athlete and UFC fighter Brad Riddell covers the basics of the teep, a fundamental kick to have in your arsenal in the instructional video below. He breaks down the front and rear push kick, 2 ways to make the kick less obvious, and how to deal with someone who push kicks you.
A good example of a teep that Brad references is from Fahsuchon, a Thai trainer who helped him a few years back. He has a mean teep and here is one he wants you to check out below.